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Quality Relationships are Important

Restorative Practices Defined

The most valuable asset in any organization is the quality of relationships. People need to feel your organization has their best interest at heart. This illustration is a visual definition of a restorative approach (Braithwaite, 1989). “Human beings are more productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behavior when those in positions of authority do things With them, rather than To them or For them.” This hypothesis maintains that the punitive and authoritarian to mode ane the permissive and paternalistic For mode are not as effective as the restorative, participatory, engaging With mode (Wachtel, 2012).


Fair Process is established by three key practices:


  1. Engagement – Actively pursue relationships/community life. Make every effort to be supportive of communication that builds up the organization by establishing kindness, patience and compassion as norms.

  2. Explanation – Be as transparent as you possibly can in order to build trust. Even if things don’t go your way, knowing your voice was heard establishes a sense of justice.

  3. Expectation clarity – Explain your policies thoroughly so everyone understands what you want, and what will happen if your expectations are not met. In schools, it is not uncommon to hear students complain that teachers are not fair, or that they are not clear about why a discipline infraction was given.



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